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Friday, August 27, 2010

Cough, cough, sniff....ACHOOOOOO!!!

I've been sick all week. I feel awful! I've got the chest congestion and cough along with the sniffles and a runny nose. I think it's a combination of my allergies and weather/climate changes all thanks to my visit to Tennessee last weekend. Not only is it cooler up there, but I spent the weekend going through boxes in my parents attic looking for some more of my stuff. Whatever this is, I hope I kick it soon!

I just finished my 2nd week of school. So far, so good. I have a 99% in Algebra. No grade in Biology yet, since I have yet to receive a graded assignment. My financial aid hasn't hit yet either. Hopefully the school gets it processed soon. I'm anxious to get my student loan!

I'm looking into getting a new laptop once my student loan does hit. It's one of the things on my 101 in 1,001 list...although that list is a work in progress. I'm still shopping around, but any suggestions would be appreciated.


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