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Monday, August 9, 2010

Manic Monday

Right now, what's on your mind? My finances, my to-do list for today and school starting next week

List 10 things you expect from a good friend.
1. Loyalty
2. Honesty - simple, don't lie to me.
3. Trust - no friendship will make it without it
4. Acceptance - don't try to change who I am!
5. Support - for the decisions and choices I will have to make, regardless if you agree with them or not.
6. The ability to agree to disagree - no one ever agrees with each other 100% of the time.
7. Forgiveness - no one is perfect, we all make mistakes and you need to be able to forgive me when I mess up even if it takes you a little bit of time to do so.
8. A Strong Shoulder - for me to cry on whenever I need it.
9. An Open Ear - to listen to me should I need to spill my guts out.
10. The ability to have fun - what's the use of being friends if we're bored together?

What's something you've done that you wish you hadn't? I bought a car from a buy here/ pay here lot last year because I didn't have enough money to buy one straight out. It turned out to be such a mess!


Anne said...

Ouch! Sometimes you just can't compromise quality. =)

Mine's here.

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