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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Soon to be On the Road, Again!

I should be in bed, but I'm bursting with excitement! In approximately 10 hours, I will be getting on I-26 East to head to South Carolina. I haven't been down there in just a little over 2 months...I can't wait!

Those of you that have been following me for a while know that I lived down in South Carolina at the beginning of 2009 and came back to Kingsport in June. I often question if I made the right choice, but I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.

I'm taking Zack and BB home to Richard. He has the opportunity to work some overtime tomorrow morning, so he's going to do so instead of driving here to pick them up. I'm not doing anything special and he's covering the expense, so why not? I could use a couple days away from here right now anyway.

I won't be taking the laptop with me and I didn't think I would be on here tonight after class which is why I posted my Saturday 9 earlier. However, I do have Blogger Mobile set up, so maybe I will do a couple mobile posts with some pictures or something.

As of right now, my plan is to drive back home on Sunday afternoon/evening. I have a class Monday night, so I definitely need to be back before then. See y'all soon!

Friday, June 4, 2010




My busted radiator hose

Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

Saturday 9: If I Had a Hammer

I know this is early, but I just found out that I'm leaving in the morning to take my nephews back home to South Carolina.

1. Are you handy with tools? For the most part, I suppose. I can do basic stuff.

2. What was the best thing that happened to you this week? I got to spend a day with my nephews and I get to take them home to South Carolina.

3. What was the worst thing that happened to you this week? Having the hose on my radiator bust.

4. Do you think you act your age? I think I act older.

5. Describe an item of clothing that has definitely seen better days but that you refuse to dispose of and still wear. Why won't you toss it? Anything that has seen better days that is still worn is worn only to bed because I can't see throwing something out that can still be worn but at the same time, if it's in rough shape I'm not wearing it in public.

6. What is your favorite summertime beverage? sweet tea and strawberry lemonade

7. Have you ever lied about your age? when I was younger so that I could buy cigarettes

8. What was the most memorable birthday party you've attended? my sweet 16

9. What is something that really frightens you, and can you trace it back to an event in your life? Fire. I had a house fire in 2004.

Friday Fill-ins

1. South Carolina is my favorite place to travel to.
2. When I think about my childhood, I often remember moving around a lot.
3. Honesty and trust makes for a good friend.
4. The wind in the trees, the rain on my skin, it's a good day to be care free.
5. Living life is so exciting!
6. My best friend knows all of my secrets.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going to class, tomorrow my plans include driving Zack and Bryson home to South Carolina and Sunday, I want to drive home!

Friday 5: Control

1. When did you take time this week to play? On Wednesday evening. I didn't have class so I went to spend sometime with my nephews while they are in town. I had a blast watching them swim and jump on the trampoline.

2. This past week, what would you have liked to rewind so you could experience it again? Wednesday night with my nephews. Those moments are so few and far between now that they live in South Carolina.

3. What happened this week to give you pause? The hose on my radiator busted. It sucked.

4. From what situation this week would you have liked to eject yourself? None, yet. The week isn't over and I'm sure something will happen before it does.

5. In what situation this week did you cede power to someone else? When my radiator hose busted. I'm horrible at fixing cars.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I had my first class Tuesday night. Accounting 101. Unfortunately it was a bit boring and uneventful. Mainly because it was the first day of term and we had to get our books and such first. They ran out of accounting books half way through distributing books to our class. Luckily, I got a book before they ran out, but without all of us having books there wasn't much the professor could do once we got back from the bookstore. Oh well, all the downtime gave me a chance to set up my new blackberry *lol* I love upgrade time!

I have Algebra tonight. Hopefully it won't be as boring or uneventful. I need to get to the school a little early tonight because they gave me the wrong books for Body Control Systems, so I need to exchange them for the right ones. Hopefully they still have some.

I went and spent some time with Zack and BB last night. They had such a blast in the pool and on the trampoline. Unfortunately, my radiator hose busted in their Aunt Heather's driveway. It's fixed now, thank goodness! But damn, what is it with my car lately?

Thursday Thunks: Never Agree in the First Place

1. When was the last time that you made an excuse for not doing something that you shouldn't have agreed to do in the first place? Probably sometime last week. I'm a huge softy and I have a hard time saying no whenevr someone asks me for a favor. I don't care to help anyone out, but sometimes I need a day off *lol*

2. Without identifying the person, is there someone in your life that you'd like to shake some sense into? Yes. There's more than one person actually.

3. Did you ever really care if Tiger Woods cheated on his wife? No. I'm a firm believer in what you do in your own time is your business...celebrity or not. However, that doesn't mean that I agree with whatever it is you're doing.

4. Did you watch the last episode of LOST? What did you think happened? No...never watched Lost.

5. If your dining room china was made in Mexico, why is it still called china? Because it's delicate?

6. Tell us about your favorite movie of all time. The Notebook. A story of and endless love that I hope to find for myself someday.

7. Do you think it's fair to get thrown out of a meme? Well, really it depends on the reason. I could see if a participant was leaving disrespectful comments on other participants blogs, but to "throw" them out the meme simply for their answers or meme content would be unfair. Even so, how do you "throw" someone out of a meme anyway? Block them from commenting or leaving their link?

8. Berleen lives in Minnesota and Kimber in Arizona. If they were to meet halfway, where would they meet? Colorado or Nebraska?

9. What do you think of heterosexual marriage? I'm an advocate for marriage, heterosexual or homosexual, if you are ready for it. I also think marriage isn't for everyone and most people these days get married for the wrong reasons.

10. What would you change about your life if you had just one wish? Nothing. I believe everything happens for a reason.

11. How pissed are you that we posted late? Not at all...I posted later LMAO

12. Tell us about a recent great day. Despite my busted radiator hose, yesterday was an awesome day with my nephews. Mostly because I don't get to see them very often.

13. When was the last time that you juggled? I couldn't tell you.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tuesday Tunes

What new releases are you looking forward to this summer?
Christina Aguilera ~ Bionic
Drake ~ Thank Me Later
Eminem ~ Recovery
Katy Perry ~ Teenage Dream

What music makes you think of summer?
Anything upbeat and fun

What's the best song you can think of to play with the top down/or windows down on a hot summer day?
LFO ~ Summer Girls

Monday, May 31, 2010

How Much My Hair has Grown

October 2008

A meme I posted the other day asked me about how I style my hair and how often I cut it. Well, in October 2008 I had most of my hair chopped off (as you can see). It was a very fun and cute style, but at the same time there wasn't a whole lot you could do with it. I got bored with it quickly and decided it was not a style that I wanted to keep. So, I decided to grow it out.

Growing it out was easier said than done. There was quite an awkward stage where the back of it was too long to spike with hair glue anymore yet too short to do anything else with. I finally caved in in January 2009 and got a perm.

February 2009

Since then, I usually just scrunch my hair and throw a headband in it. Of course, I do switch it up every once in a while and straighten it with a flat iron. I really haven't had it cut since the major cut in October 2008 with the exception of trimming my ends and having some bangs cut in October 2009 that have since grown out quite a bit.

April 2009

July 2009

August 2009

October 2009

November/December 2009

February 2010

March 2010

May 2010

Monday Movie Meme: Soilders

This week's movie topic is all about Soldiers.

This Monday in the U.S. is Memorial Day which is a day to honor the fallen soldiers of wars past and present. So therefore, we decided to dedicate this week's topic to those soldiers in film who live on in the big screen. Here are those we found to be particularly memorable. Share on your blog your soldierly choices, linking back here at The Bumbles. Spend your day thinking of or hugging a real life soldier, and don't forget to visit your fellow participants!

Something I'd like to share with my Movie Meme family is that right now at McDonalds, you can get codes for purchasing certain items (ours have been chicken mcnuggets and Shrek glasses) that you can redeem online and chose your reward. One of the choices is a free movie rental, which gives you a code to 1 free night from the redbox. Also, if you sign up for an account at their website, you can enroll to receive 1 free code at the 1st of each month.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Sunday Seven

Other than members of our military, name seven people (by occupation) for whom you are grateful.

1. Police
2. Firefighters
4. Doctors/ Nurses
5. Teachers/ Tutors
6. Social Workers
7. Trash Collectors/ City Workers

A New Beginning

“What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.” ~T.S. Elliot

It's been a while since I've posted anything other than a meme. Friday was my last day babysitting Mattie. Not by my choice, but it's whatever. I'm now free to look for an actual job without worrying about putting people in a bind or missing an oppritunity because I want to give enough notice for other arrangements to be made. I think I'm going to aim for part time employment at the moment. Simply because I don't want to overwhelm myself with school starting.

School starts Tuesday, but I don't have a Tuesday class. I was supposed to have 4 classes a week, but the schedule I got at orientation only gave me 3 classes a week. I'm taking Psychology, Algebra and Body Control Systems this term.

My car is finally fixed and running correctly. Turns out it wasn't the water pump after all :)

Sunday Stealing: The Just Because Meme

1. Make a list of 5 things you can see without getting up. notepad, pen, headband, 20 oz. bottle of water and my t.v.

2. How do you style your hair? How often do you cut it? I usually just scrunch some gel in it while it's still wet and throw a headband in it. I used to cut my hair pretty frequently and keep it short, but right now I just get my ends trimmed here and there because I'm trying to grow it out.

3. What are you wearing now? a purple night gown that has "cuddle me" written on it in gold letters.

4. What's your occupation? Do you like it? Currently, I'm just a full time student. I like being a student because I know whenever I finish I will have a stable career. However, I am currently seeking a job. I would like to work at least part time while I am attending school.

5. When was the last time that you took a nap? Was there a special reason? Sometime earlier this week. I had a headache and I was a bit sleepy.

6. Who was the last person you hugged romantically? I believe it was "Jack" (for an explanation on "Jack", click on one of the following labels in my label cloud: life lessons or life policy)

8. What was the last full meal that you ate? Thursday night's dinner

9. What was the last email that you received? my redbox rental receipt

10. What one website do you always visit when you go online? Facebook

11. What was the last significant thing you bought? school supplies

12. What musical artist did you not get at first, but then became a fan? Hmmm I can't really think of any.

13. What did you think about before you go to bed last night? Way too many things! How much I miss my brother in South Carolina, school, plans for the summer, plans for the weekend.

14. What was the last CD you bought? Actual CD? I think it was the Alvin and the Chipmunks soundtrack almost 2 yrs ago. But, I have purchased albums on iTunes.

15. What is your favorite weather, and why? What's the weather like today? I like it when it's warm, bright and sunny with just a slight breeze so that I can be outside enjoying the sunshine or sitting out at the lake without it being blazing hades hot! *lol* It was partly cloudy today.

16. If you could have a special artistic talent, what would it be? the ability to draw anything

17. Did you watch the Idol 9 finale? If yes, what are your thoughts? No, sadly I haven't been a regular American Idol watcher. I do enjoy the show, but it's air times just don't typically fit into my schedule. I watched religiously during seasons 1, 2 and 6 and I've watched here and there during 3,4 and 5 but sadly I haven't caught any of 8 or 9.

18. What's something you'd like to say to someone right now? It's not always about you.

19. Any special plans for this (holiday in the States) weekend? No specific plans, just kinda taking it as it comes.

20. Besides your current S/O, who was the last person that you loved romantically? Oh my, I just don't think I should go there right now...

Straight Out Of the Camera Sunday: My brother, Jacob

This came from my Blackberry, that's why it's not the best quality. I snapped this earlier in the week. My brother was just being silly so I sent it as a picture message to some of my friends for a good laugh.

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This Blog is created and maintained by Noelle.