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Sunday, August 8, 2010

August Happiness Challenge 2010: Fail! /Day 5

I haven't made a post for the happiness challenge since day 4. Partly because of my procrasting nature and partly because it's hard to think of something new each day that makes me happy...and that doesn't sound very happy now does it?

But, I'm determined to stick with this challenge. Mainly because I know there are more than 31 things in my life that make me happy. I think I just take them for granted sometimes and this challenge will help me discover them.

Today's happiness factor is Playing ps3: Yes, I know. I'm a chick, but I LOVE video games. Especially old school Mario Bros. But, my most recent addiction is my ps3. More specifically, Socom Confrontation on ps3. I can't tell you how easy it is to put a smile on my face simply by popping the game in and shooting a few people *lol* Definitely a stress reliever, that's for sure!


The Gal Herself said...

Those games can be addictive. I think if I end up with carpal tunnel, it won't be from doing work at this keyboard. Still, they do bring us happiness, don't they?

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