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Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween is OVER!

Sorry for the lack of updates lately. I've been pretty busy between Halloween festivities and midterms. It's about to get even more hectic between Thanksgiving, Christmas Shopping, Christmas and Christmas Break. Dear God, I almost panic thinking about it all!

We carved pumpkins a couple weeks ago. I think I had just as much fun as the kids did! I had never actually carved a pumpkin myself. I had always watched my dad carve them each year. Unfortunately, our pumpkins didn't last until Halloween :(

Richard's Pumpkin. Awesome isn't it? It got dubbed the Thundercats Pumpkin lol

My Pumpkin. I chose one of the easiest designs in the book because I was scared of messing it up.

Sarah's Pumpkin

Mel's Pumpkin

Zack's Pumpkin

BB's Pumpkin

A better shot of my pumpkin.

We did our Trick or Treating here on Saturday. We had a total of seven kids between ages 2 and 9...they had a BLAST! We're all worn out and tired from the weekend, but it was all worth it. Sarah's sister, Hannah, did my face make up and it came out so so beautiful!

It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it!

A work in progress...

All done!

Now, it's on to Thanksgiving!


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