201. My back is itching, will you scratch it for me? Only if you'll scratch mine for me...
301. Do you have nice handwriting? I'm told all the time that I do.
401. We are sending you to either New Zealand or Canada, which one do you choose? Canada.
501. Do you sing in the shower? Of course....didn't you know that everyone sounds like Mariah Carey in the shower?
601. Have you ever been streaking? If so, how far did you streak and did anyone see you? Not that I can recall....there are a couple drunken nights I can't remember so I'm not ruling out streaking as a possible offense *lol*
701. How soon is too soon for Christmas decorations and music playing in the stores? Anytime before Thanksgiving.
801. If you celebrated Halloween as a kid what was the costume you wore at 5? I was a bumble bee.
901. How many cavities have you had in your life? Uno
1001. Berleen and Bud come to Arizona to visit Kimber. Who do you think will decide it's too hot here first? Bud. Women can handle heat better LMAO
1101. Who do you think will ask TT questions next week? ME!! lol
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