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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday 9: Don't Let the Sun Catch You Crying

1. When was the last time you cried? Earlier this week. I've been a bit emotional lately.

2. If you could wake up tomorrow with a new talent, what would it be? Some sort of artistic ability.

3. Who is someone (other than yourself) would you like to go back into your past and talk to and why? My Grandma (my mom's mom). She passed away when I was 5 years old. I hate to say it, but I don't really remember much about her. I'd like to get to know her.

4. What is your favorite meal eating out? I always tend to go with some sort of chicken.

5. Do you feel energized or drained by being in a group situation? If the answer is "it depends," on what does it depend? It depends on my mood, the atmosphere, the personalities of those in the group, the reason for being in the group situation in the first place and probably some other factors that I am forgetting at the moment.

6. What word do you use far too frequently? The word No. lol We are always telling the kids no or stop.

7. What’s a word you’ve invented? (alternate question: What needs a word but doesn’t have one yet?) I can't say I've actually invented a word...

8. Pick out one of your favorite songs. Go to Song Facts and tell us about the song's history. The song I chose is "Have you ever seen the Rain?" by Creedence Clearwater Revival. The facts listed about it are:
  • This is John Fogerty's take on the imminent departure of his brother Tom from the band. The line, "I want to know -- have you ever seen the rain comin' down on a sunny day?" refers to Tom leaving while CCR was at its commercial zenith. The flip side of this single, "Hey Tonight," is John reassuring the band that all would go well despite the adversity.
  • Tom Fogerty left the group in early 1971, after this album was released. He released three solo albums before dying of tuberculosis in 1990. A fourth album, completed in 1988, was released posthumously. (thanks, Brad Wind - Miami, FL, for above 2)
  • This was used in the TV show Tour Of Duty, which was set in Vietnam during the war. (thanks, Brian - Shaker Heights, OH)
  • Bonnie Tyler covered this song for her 1983 blockbuster album Faster Than the Speed of Night. Her version reached #47 in the UK. (thanks, Jerro - New Alexandria, PA)

9. What is your absolute favorite piece of furniture you have and why? All of my furniture is still at my parents house in Tennessee, but I'd have to say my favorite piece is my bed! It's just so comfy and relaxing.


Dawn Lopez said...

Thank you so much for joining us on the hop and for posting our button, that is super sweet!

I have invented a word... pleasantable! A mix of pleasant and pleasurable.. lol =] Actually I think it was an accidental invention.. but funny and it stuck!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by !
I'm following you now.
Have a nice day,

Unknown said...

Happy stalk for savings saturday I am now a follower of your blog. I love you playlist and I look forward to reading more of your posts. Please stop by and check out my page.

Mamacita La Cuponera said...

Hello! Following you from Saturday Stalk for Savings blog hop!

have a great weekend!

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